Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

Keita went for the corner there. Fancies the 5 pointer.

Deary me :smile:

What was that from Naby lad?

Naby Keita :smiley:

Naby Lad :man_facepalming:t2:

That was the chance

I have done the same myself.

Jesus Courtois

Fucking hell. Courtouis giving an exhibition. Some first touch by Salah


Courtois is laughing at Liverpool

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Ally to the rescue

This has been a great final

He’s in full blown beast mode tonight

Courtois Is having a worldy

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Unreal from Courtois

Courtois motm.

Oh Luka :heart_eyes:

Its between Courtois and Trent for MOTM

Thiery Courtois is some player