Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

Will Marta still get the hoover?


You cant beat tradition.

Marta is getting the hoover out of the winnings

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I’d be sound like that

Liverpool in bad luck there tonight.

Deserved winners

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Have some of that you robbing cunts


Beaten by a better team. Schooled Liverpool on the night.

Liverpool are big on Justice. They got it in spades tonight


Any word from the Ratoath Inn? :grinning:

How many finals has Klopp lost now?

You just have to kick them in. Simple game

When you play 3 finals in a season and don’t score a goal in any of them you should be happy enough with 2 wins


I fear for the city of Paris.


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Paris later tonight

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The PMs are flying around to get on message. They’ll probably revolve around some marketing slogan simpletons would buy into

A bridge too far for the injury plagued Reds
We go again

At least the Liverpool crowd don’t have an issue getting out of the stadium. TELL THEM NEVER.

After Clough, Ancelotti is the GOAT

14 , wow.