Champions League Final Thread

This is a belter of a game

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Footix alert

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The Norseman Neymar traps the ball 20 feet

What will the players do to celebrate? Hookers to the hotel or what?

Would add great technical quality for Liverpool if he does sign.

Hang one a sec and I give Thomas muller a bell there and ask him

Liverpool hammered both of these team last year FYI

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He can bring the 5m for Coutinho winning the Champions League. Good for the net net spend table.

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Last year is a long time ago

I was having a pop at @Thomas_Brady

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Time for Mauro?

Manuel Neuer has the Aryan look that Hitler was so obsessed with.

That seems to be in vogue at the moment

Gaymar has played like a fanny so far.

Thomas muller looks like every ww2 german soldier in every ww2 movie ever.

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Shur I was only having a hop off Apples

PSG need to bring on Di Maria

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Taking Di Maria off is crazy, he has created their last 3 chances.

No need for the casual homophobia.

Get up off the ground Neymar ffs ye are losing