Christmas TV

Picked up the RTE Guide yesterday to see what the Christmas period holds in store for us TV-wise

Absolutely nothing jumped out apart from the regular classics:

Back to the Future I and II (UTV around the 28/29 Dec)
Superman I and II (RTE 1 around the same time)

Saw no mention of ‘Its a Wonderful Life’ only ‘This Life + 10’. Fucking hated that show when it was on

Any other recommendations over the festive period. Documenetaries etc?

Actually ‘The Boy Who’s Skin Fell Off’ is on the Saturday before Christmas on RTE 1 at half three in the morning (ok so its actually Sunday). Never saw it but have heard that it is brilliant

The Boy Who’s Skin Fell Off is very good alright. Not sure what sort of drunk viewing it will make because it’s a fairly sad story but uplifting at the same time. You come away from it thinking what a great fucking guy the subject is.

I was a fan of This Life myself (bar the gay shower scene) when it was first shown and I’ll probably watch that alright. Other than that I won’t have any significant changes to my viewing patterns; a little bit of Home and Away, some football and cricket and that’s it really. I hate all those crap films that are always on at christmas and would rather poke my eye out with a fork than watch Indiana Jones, Superman or Home Alone again.

Belately watched Fernado Meirreilles’ ‘City of God’ this afternoon having recorded it over the Christmas period. An absolutely fantastic film

Only caught a bit of This Life +10 and it was muck - apparently that’s what all the reviews are saying too. The best bit of tv I saw over the extended Christmas season was last night when there was an hour special of The Thick of It on BBC4. Truly brilliant comedy.

The Bachelors Walk special was brilliant.

“Back in my day all you got was a tangerine and a wooden toy made by you’re da if you were lucky”