What Climate Crisis?

Pity the Pobal site won’t open. Useless cunts

We all have to be greener pal. Ah thank youu


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rish forests can provide many benefits to society, one of the most talked about recently is the role of forests in climate change mitigation. While there are usually trade-offs between production/carbon sequestration and biodiversity objectives in forests. One of the species growing in Irish forests, Sitka spruce has had more than its fair share of publicity in recent years, the benefits of this tree to society and its role in climate change mitigation are perhaps not well publicised. While Sitka spruce is the predominant species used in Irish forests, being a non-native, the species is extremely well adapted to growing in Irish conditions, it loves the rain Hoh Rain Forest's Big Sitka Spruce | Outdoor Project making it particularly suitable for the mild wet maritime conditions in Ireland. In fact the conditions of the pacific North-west coast of America are somewhat similar to Irish conditions, absence of extreme temperatures, mild conditions with a long growing season above 5 degrees Celsius. The species is particularly home in maritime conditions and the growth rate in Irish forests are truly exceptional, with yields being among the highest recorded for forest tree species achievable; yields of up to 34 tonnes per hectare per year of stem wood have been recorded. With over 300,000 hectares of Sitka spruce planted in Ireland all this biomass growing vigorously represents a significant carbon store, estimated to be 2.5 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (75% of the total amount of carbon stored in Irish forests).

The Greens dont want to hear this,look at this “forestry/pension plan” teaming with life.


Because there’s fuck all native forest left.

Reads like a PR-spun Wikipedia entry.

we need a mixture of both fast growing trees & native trees

not sure why people cant understand this basic concept

its not one or the other


thank you rural Ireland

Not sure anyone is entirely against it? The issue is the complete and utter dominance and the piecemeal efforts to correct the balance/mixture.

Surely you yourself can recognise the current imbalance?

yes, hence my call for a mixture of native & fast growing trees

replacing barren fields with trees is good

replacing them with a mix is better - Sitka has its place

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Sphagnum moss is vastly more efficient

If we cover the entire country in forests, bankrupt every farmer and reduce the rural population to zero, I’d say we could offset 0.1 of a percent of the global emissions guys.

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We should be using our vast oceans to grow underwater plants. They are far more efficient at removing carbon and providing oxygen

Nowhere near…maybe 0.01% of man-made emissions (about 3%)

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy claims that China and India will follow our example once they see how to wreak an economy and society for the green agenda.

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we need to catch up to India mate

India covered in jungle mate.
We should really be suing Britain for all the lumber they stole from us while they wreaked havoc on the world.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has never apologised for his ancestors clearing Ireland of forestry so they could keep a better watch on the restless natives.


Most timber was cleared from USA in fifty years a few hundred years back. To build houses and boats and to burn.