What Climate Crisis?

Your kids will hate you even more if you dont set an example

Relax bro, be grand

Someone tell the banks, who are still offering mortgages up past then

Wexford folk need to be put back on horse-and-carts. Disgraceful fuel inefficiency on show here from all concerned.
Not to mention the shocking use of tenses.

Nasty post.

John Gibbons is a very determined individual when it comes to an argument.

He’d fit in well here.

Twitter suggests he’s from a 575 acre dairy farm in KK.

I wonder will he renounce his planet destroying inheritance or proceeds there of.

He has taken on the weather man.

The weather man suggested we need to look building defences to help cope with climate change. Gibbons seems to have taken serious offence to this.

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the weatherman seems very reasonable in this discussion

his parents owned a farm isnt a great attack on him

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A farm they consciously leased out to an intensive dairy farmer for the highest possible price. It’s stocked to the balls with cattle as it just so happens to be some of the best ground in the country.

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I’m careful with my pronoun use, pal

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He does but he’s s also leaving out the fact he works for one of the biggest data hosting companies in Ireland

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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The regime is getting desperate now, the climate cod is so patently made up nonsense they’re now pulling aliens out of the hat

Poor John has a colossal chip on both shoulders.

Not the favoured one obviously .

Poor dote.