Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

I remember having a fondness for Newtown because I socialized there a bit and knew a lot of people from there, but I’d never have any feelings for a Cork club bar my own normally

Kilmallock need OOR running at Ballygunner . Other wise they are goosed

OK mate, thanks for letting us know


Kilmallock backs under massive pressure to get out of their corners.

What a score

Ard scor

John Mullane orgasming here at it

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Great score by @iron_mike

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Pity is like a carpet. They’ve done some job on it.

Hanley needed to switch that all day.

Now isn’t the time for fucking about. Get Paddy Loughlin on for one of the FB line and put Costello back and Paddy out around the middle

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Very poor from Paudie o brien and Henley.

The way Kilmallock are playing Gavin O Mahoney would have been better off in Rathdowney today

Suits Kilmallock more Dessie is in FF, think he is far deadlier inside the corner and the Gunners aint going direct into him.

Paidi having a great game so far.

This is as good as I see Paraic Mahoney in general play

Great score by Mahony. Seems to have his eye in today.

Kilmullocks forward going off here.

Big loss