Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

What a SAVE

Serious question will have to be asked

Decimated by injuries last year. Normal service will resume this year.

“Where will we keep all the medals?!”


NAP or the well… Would have better better viewing for sure

In reality there’s a big one in Limerick and the others have a chance when Na Piarsaigh are decimated with injuries or held back by Mick Ryan.

One of the rest might fluke a quarter final in Tipp.


Some point there *

*IPTV so probably some time ago

Excellent from Hogan :clap:

The Limerick boys in to double figures.

The BG stickwork in the conditions is a joy to behold tbh.
They look a yard faster across the park, more skilled, and unafraid to mix it.
SOK is as good a keeper as I’ve ever seen. He is outstanding.

Seething he is. Some fella be getting a speeding ticket for 35 in a 30 later on

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You wouldn’t begrudge them *

The standard of club hurling in Limerick must be at a very low ebb if these chumps are the standard bearers.

Ballygunner very good, but Killmallock look totally flat. And the FB line look like they didn’t know there’d be a match today


I’m playing the tune and the sausages can’t help but dance to it

Dessies breaking ankles here

Biggest win of the year for the Cork lads here

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Dessies performance shows what a player Sean Finn is.


It’s hard to believe this will only be BG’s second Munster with this crop


The condition of the pitch :flushed:

These Club teams deserve to play in suitable facilities.