Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

Update the database mate :rollseyes:

TJ Reid is excellent. Dessie is excellent.

Billy O’Keefe is a good club player.

Look at the cunt of a linesman trying to get in on the action

Oh that was an ugly strike

Johnny murphy mate

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Paddy Leavy :rollseyes:

The club game is what counts. Intercounty is a bit of craic for lads that wouldn’t know one end of the hurley from the other

Richie Reid :clap::clap:

Savage score lads.


What a score. I’d say Richie Reid hits more ball than anybody else on the field in 90% of games he plays

You appear to be seething mate, relax. I do this to a lot of posters, you’ll recover when you compose yourself a bit.

Nicely created and recovered by Richie. Shamrocks really standing up

Ballygunnar would be ordinary without Hutchinson

A lot of lads hyping them up after hammering a shocking Kilmallock team

You can’t say that… there’s no one ordinary out there, they are all exceptional.

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Paraic Mahoney been poor

Frontal foul just ignored by James again….

Exceptional cunts

Ballygunner not running the ball and coming off the shoulder half as much today.