Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

If I was Dean Mason I’d never again speak to the lads that kept backing off to let him in far enough to get that shot off.


Came out arseways alright.

They have so many back room staff no one could remember them all tbf

I think ten minutes earlier the lad tracking him would have had him, but he just couldn’t catch him. I’d not blame the lads backing off. The risk of a goal was far higher if they’d left their space/man. It was just a freak occurrence.

One foul, game over.

Tommy’s thought that.


Coughlan won a couple of big balls late in the game and drove them forward.

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I don’t know can I face the football after that. I might turn on the second half when someone might chance a score

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Ah lads that was some win…I thought it was gone and the curse would continue, what a way to win an AI…Harry Ruddle will never have to buy a pint in Ballygunner again. The club AI is some competition


Congratulations jay. :clap::clap::clap:

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It was so far out though. You’d nearly be encouraging a shot to nothing from that kind of range usually if you were defending the lead. Desperation stuff.

Aboy the kid.

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Bouncers beat keepers

Was a great shot to be fair. Right in the bottom corner. You still expected the keeper to bat it away though. Just never got there in time.


He was unsighted too I think, he was late moving.

He got across but bounce beat him

Both Gunnar goals went behind the back of the defender. He was caught unsighted for both in his defense

Agreed. He still probably shouldn’t be beaten from there but it’s done and dusted now.

The taxi load of Ballyhale supporters be disappointed going home.

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Will SOK come back to Waterford now there’s no more worlds for B’gunner to conquer.