Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

That NAF keeper is a fucking bombscare


This fucking Na Fianna keeper is fare dodgy. Terrible shooting so far in ET

àt what stage was Bill O’Carroll taken off? because if it was at the end of normal time, Ryan O’Dwyer had a howler on analysis there

Hayes is a class act, always knew it

He’s wearing tights, of course he’s dodgy.

Some pass by Donal Burke there

Hurl was a hindrance to McHugh there

That should have been a penalty. McHugh was pulled back from behind.

The Na F subs have not done it

This will be easy now

He may hand it over to Hayes

Hayes is a mentality monster

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Monster score from Burke, they needed that.

How was O’Rourke not closed down after dropping it? No one near him.

Lovely lay off from Rushe to Oisin O Rourke there

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There won’t be a cow milked in Mickey Marbh tonight.

Rushe was very poor there

I would bring him up front

Na Fianna should try bringing on a few extra subs and hope nobody notices. They got away with it at least once before.

3-5 to 0-1 over the last 15 minutes.

Donal Burke very like Paraic Mahony in style