Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

Ballygunner well on top here. Far slicker and hungrier. Ballyea killing themselves with sloppy play, being ate on long deliveries into their forwards and messing up the short stuff

Big gulf in class here based on the first quarter. Ballygunner should probably be further ahead.

Ballyea’s use of the ball has been very poor so far. Ballygunner look way better, winning dirty ball, better structured, more scoring threat.

The ballyG waterman under pressure there separating used bottles from unused.

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Class from Dessie there, steps call slightly harsh.


No fear of Covid in Ballygunnar, jobsbody comes out with water carrier, lad grabs random bottle, takes a swig, puts in back in, another fella comes up and takes the same bottle and does likewise

Crua go leor

Ah he did take 6

He’s class when he’s marked by anyone other than Sean Finn.

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Lols, that’ll sting the Waterford boys, good one mate


Ballyhae forwards not worth a fuck so far

Ballyea launching the ball from their own '45- big, high, loopy ones. Defender’s ball every time.

Great save.

What a save.

John Halloran reffing this?

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Ballyea keeper keeping this respectable.

Ballyea are at their best when they can get the likes of Brennan and Lillis carrying ball and driving forward. Ballygunnar have completely cut it off at source and ballyea simply don’t have the hurling to cause them problems in other ways

Ballyea giving away soft frees, allowing Ballygunner fellas to get their arm to slip up around the neck. Have to be careful.


Fucking footballers