Coach Klopp - dream maker

Inject. It. Into. My. Veins.

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‘He Is Our God’

He’ll be gone after this if it remains surely?


Gone where?

Out the door? A pretty gutless performance, the type usually seen when a manager is on his way

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3 points better off than hapless Chelsea and the liverplix were calling for Potters head.

Klopp has to go


Time to do the decent thing now you’d feel.


His tenure has been a failure imo


breaking transfer record after transfer record & 1 measly covid epl title is all he won in the league

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I don’t count behind closed doors sport. I’m not sure if you agree

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Even at a low point Coach Klopp scares the incels. Clamouring for him to go. They know he’ll build his third great team.

Sad to see the you’ll never mean more crowd turn on him but he has to go.

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In Ireland i would

In England I wouldnt

Too many reasons for me ti explain why here


Got sent a clip of the cholesterol brothers, they arent happy

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As a great man once said, the only thing that matters at Liverpool Football Club is finishing the season as Champions of England. Coach Klopp will finish his 8th season in May with a return of just 1 in 8.

Id say he regrets him.supporting treachery now

Shanks? The way he was treated by Liverpool Football Club after he retired in 1974 drove him to an early grave.

When he equated not taking a covid vaccine with drink driving it all seemed to go south from there. It suddenly became clear that he was a bit of a bullshit artist.


Nope, booing the prince