Coach Klopp - dream maker

The city offences stop at the end of 2018 season apparently. No extra titles for Klopp or Ole. Jose and Brod will qualify however

It’s remarkable what he’s done in an era coming up against criminals, human rights abusers and head choppers bankrolling EPL teams.


Who did they buy in 2018?

There are the links to China. China would be very a repressive dictatorship with an awful human rights record and a bit of head chopping going on as well.

thats very disappointing

Real football fans would support Acrington Stanley or Altrincham and not Mersey franchise FC or United Franchise FC Manchester.
Any Irish footix fans travel over and back for Shewsbury town FC and the likes…

Yes, I’d agree that they should change sponsors.

Ownership is another story.

Would you think HSBC should be gone as a partner of Spurs as well Dan?


Gonna be fascinating to watch the yanited fans dancing on the head of a pin as mason greenwood is adjudged too expensive to be let go over assault and battery of a teenage girl. (he already added Nike back as a sponsor on his insta, though Nike have distanced themselves.

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Disappointing for you personally or disappointing for the Liverpool Paddy Footix? I suspect the latter simply won’t care.

The old sponsorship is always a tricky ethical conundrum for football clubs. To compete you need revenue so that means big sponsors and the baggage that goes with it.

Small clubs have to stoop even lower though. Scraping around trying to get the local chipper, bookie, lager or cider maker to throw them a few hundred quid to fund the purchase of a bald stumpy winger from Inverness.

Clubs sponsored by bookmakers need to take a look at that too.

agreed, only moral sponsor these days are when you are sponsored by a workwear company

Japanese manufacturers of heat pumps

How’s your ESG portfolio performing this year mate? Few super franchise sponsors in there, I’d say

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It’s time to bring back Hitachi. A very successful era when they were emblazoned on Liverpool jerseys.

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Or a Denis O’Brien two tier health system franchise :open_mouth:

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Or lads with private health insurance

Premier League Liverpool GIF by DAZN


Busted flush