Coach Klopp - dream maker

Hopefully himself and the delightful Ulla take up our offer to attend one of our “legends” nights at the Ratoath Inn :pray:

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How early would you turn up for that one?

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A week early mate. That bunting won’t put itself up.

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History will be kinder to Jurgen and he knows it. What a humble man. Fergie and Maureen would be shouting ‘cheats’ at City at every post match interview.

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well done on winning all those history will be kind titles mate


yep, they also talk about being the best fans in the world where a quick review of the past behavior suggests otherwise


Klopp is finishing 2nd to the association football equivalent of Lance Armstrong.

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And Jan Ullrich was also a doper

I needed to take a shot of my inhaler after reading that.

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In the past 3 seasons it’s been man United, arsenal and Liverpool finishing 2nd one time each.

No matter what way Liverpool fans dice it their record is horrendous under klopp.


History will be kind to those that make up stats and recite hard luck tales


He did this all on a shoe string budget too, apart from the world record fees he forked out for both a goalkeeper and centre half.


As a untied fan you should know, you cant scrimp on transfer fees or you end up with…oh wait

Harry Maguire is the world’s most expensive defender I believe. The most expensive goalie is the Chelsea chap. I don’t know where either are now.

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Mid table spend. Cute of City to allow Disney publish their figures for them.

The figures don’t lie pal. A well run club.

Greatest work of fiction since the bible.

I’ll need you to provide figures to disprove the figures.

Buy every decent young player they can and flog em for profit. The Chelsea model (kinda)