Coach Klopp - dream maker

And leave Liverpool scratching around in the summer for a manager with no warning? And a summer wasted

He did it right.


He could always have told the top brass in private. He wanted the fanfare.

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The fake teeth.

Shanks waited until the business of winning the 1974 FA Cup Final was attended to before announcing his retirement. Bob Paisley was appointed to succeed within 24 hours.

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What position of strength? They finished outside the top 4 last season, he lost all his midfield during the summer. His announcement kept Liverpool in the hunt longer than they would have been otherwise.


He did and it was leaked.

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1 league title is a poor return so id say mpst are happy to be rid of him

The fa cup final antics and the turning this season into a farewell tour hasnt helped either

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That one league title was the equivalent of a clean cyclist beating Lance Armstrong in his prime cheating days. An incredible achievement.


It was the right decision

A position of strength where they went top of the table on Boxing Day and remained top for nearly 4 months until April. Then with just 8 games to go, they imploded. In the space of 5 games, they dropped 10 points out of 15. Drew at Old Trafford to the worst Man U team in 40 years, lost at home to Crystal Palace, lost to Everton at Goodison for the first time in something like 15 years and drew at West Ham.

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Wow. Jurgen just gets it

Cc @theRatoathcrew


Scouse Paddy Footix


A beautiful love affair


A real devils threesome

It’s a tough one, he basically retired @Cicero_Dandi from TFK

Edit - when you think of it he actually retired @EstebanSexface, @croppy_boy and @dodgy_keeper also.

You have to admire the likes of @BruidheanChaorthainn who keeps coming for more no matter how many times he hits the canvas


Ciry won 1 CL in the period, not an elite team

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Armed robbers more like

Jesus when you put it like that it’s a fair implosion alright. Add in getting knocked out of the FA cup by a laughably bad Man United team and out of the UEFA cup by I can’t remember who then it is a very underwhelming season to top off a fairly underwhelming tenure.


'Dear Echo reader,

Before I came to Liverpool I had never written a letter to a newspaper in my life. Now I am writing my second letter to the Liverpool Echo which probably tells you a few things.

The first is I am probably now at ‘that age’. The second is that this is a newspaper that plays a big role in this city. The third is that it is a great way for me to speak to as many people who live here as possible.

The most important reason, though, is that it is time for me to say Goodbye. I know that this is no longer news but it is important that I say it to you.

For me, Liverpool is the city of open arms. A place that welcomes you like a son and does not care where you come from. It just wants you to be part of it and I could not be prouder that you allowed me to have that incredible privilege.

A city that gives this kind of welcome deserves at the very least a proper farewell.

There is so much I could say right now and there are so many special moments I could talk about. On and off the pitch we have created memories between us that will live with me for ever.

But when I think of this city and its wonderful people, the biggest lesson I will take with me is that giving up is definitely not in the Scouse dictionary.

If you are from here, the chances are that you are not just ready to fight, you actually want to fight. Not only that, the way you stand together, in all kinds of circumstances, means that even when the odds are against you it is still possible to win.

I love this more than I could ever say.

This is why one of my proudest moments was being given the freedom of Liverpool. To receive that honour on a night when the leaders of the city spoke of me, a boy from the Black Forest, as if I was one of their own is one of the greatest privileges of my life.

The same goes for the homecoming parades. Wow.

Sharing moments of success with the people could only ever be special no matter what club you are at but the way that Liverpool does it takes it to a whole new level. That is even like this the day after a big disappointment – as happened in 2022 – makes it even more extraordinary.

On top of this, I have loved that this is a city of football. No matter where you go in Liverpool and no matter who you speak to, the people want to talk about football. Not just chat either. Every single word comes with a passion and a love for the game.

Of course, I am of the Red side and always will be now but I know from experience that the same is absolutely true of the Blue side. Living close to the River Mersey clearly has this effect on people.

Tomorrow will be the last time that I manage Liverpool FC and it will be an occasion when we will once again look to do our supporters proud but it will also be an opportunity to remember the times that we have had together.

For me, all of those memories will come with love and with thanks for the time I have had here. Liverpool is a city that we lived in and worked in but it is also a place that we fell in love with. We owe it so much.

All that remains for me now is to wish all of you the very best for the future. Liverpool deserves that. YOU deserve that.

Thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you Luv.’
