
In a move that has rocked the global media our kind sponsors at have given us 21 Euro to be used as a prize in a forthcoming competition.

So we have a 21 Euro gift voucher for the [url=]TFK Merchandise shop to be used by the winner of the competition! Anyone got any ideas on what the competition should be?

Karaoke competition.

Give me a bash at Hold Me Now by the god that is Johnny Logan.

Every entrant gets an imaginary 10 euro. They have a week to make/lose money on paddy power site by placing bets on sporting events. All bets must be placed at least 12 hours before event and posted in a dedicated thread. Winner is the member with most money at the end of the week.


Come on guys we need some ideas.

correct goalscorer & score prediction for the Irish game

Best idea yet but bound to be a couple of people guessing the same thing.

Piper your idea is excellent but it’s too hard to administer in this period of time. I’m trying to work on a programme that will do all that for us for the future.

Might just put up all the international games from Saturday and the person who gets most right wins. As a tiebreaker guess the correct score in the Slovakia - Ireland game.