Compulsive Liars are hilarious

They look like watches youā€™d get free with a comic book


Robbie Keane is his agent

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Could be cartel involvement here

John Connors

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I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard of John Connorā€™s? Did he play Blackie?

Heā€™s says itā€™s gonna be on Netflixā€¦.looks like Rte the fuckin eejits let one of their most successful tv shows slip through their fingers

No, heā€™s the lad made the pipe bombs in his garage that backs onto Hill 16.

Johnny One?

Which Netflix appears to have denied.

Heā€™d be some moron if he was saying that as a publicity stuntā€¦ donā€™t know much about him but comes across as a bit of mouth

Did he win COTY here one time before?

I saw an interview recently where he claimed he felt brilliant having not eaten for a week. It reminded me of the lads on here doing the extreme fasts.

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Johnny Connors is @Tassotti ???


He won COTY at a time a fairly annoying poster here was banned. Said poster then used his Twitter account to tweet Connors to congratulate him on his victory with a link to the thread.

This poster used to regularly tweet random TFK threads to people who had been mentioned in them or random headbangerā€™s.


Jaysus must have been a very weak year when he won it. What did he even do to ostensibly deserve it?

Wasnā€™t he found to be a massive racist while playing the sympathy card for travellers abuse or something? I canā€™t remember the specifics but I do remember a time when he was never off the airwaves

His Traveller heritage most likely knowing the folk on here.

He famously cheerleaded the destruction of that Lidl in Tallaght during the beast from the East - ā€œa protest against neo-liberalismā€ apparently