What are we thinking here KP? Russian submarine did it?
Predominantly about Kilkee but Kinvara gets a mention for carrying out similar practice
Great stuff
Another government body destroying our natural habitats and all they’ll get is rap on the knuckles and miniscule fine.
‘Death knell of trout’: Fish kill on Limerick river - Limerick Live (limerickleader.ie)
What is it?
Discharge from an Irish Water treatment plant
Absolute cunts. Its scandalous how poorly managed our river network is. A complete waste and abuse of a generous resource we were blessed with.
They poisoned a river up by Ennistymon last year and there would have been nothing done about it only the locals kicked up
Until the directors of those government bodies are held personally liable nothing will be done.
The River Allow had freshwater mussels in it that were older than the State itself. Cleansed out of it.