Cork GAA - They're going home! - sponsored by Sports Direct and Super Valu

Knowing Cork they’ll tell him to f off and Limerick will swoop in to take him.


Mark Ellis is playing football for New York.

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Yes needs a decent gang around him
Not far off a championship record atm
Wonder will he make it?

“I met Gearóid Hegarty’s father walking out after. He said if he was a Cork supporter he would’ve nearly walked out after 45 minutes.
Speaks volumes

Until the Cork club scene improves we are at nothing. Midleton destroyed by Kilmalock last year. Cork teams are miles off the pace. Hard to see it improving. Bishopstown are senior who are a bad intermediate team.


I posted in another thread Cork had more about them under Meyler than Kingston ( drew with Limerick in AISF , bate them in round robin) but getting rid of Kingston at the end of the year isnt going to unearth defenders to man central roles or a Niall McCarthy\Timmy McCarthy type 10 or 11

It really is hard to see how Cork can get to Limerick’s level. a successor to kingston cant work miracles

When I saw Carrigtwohill getting to a county senior semi final a couple of years ago I thought to myself Cork club hurling must be in an awful state. Hammersly from Clonoulty was involved with them for a while. Ricken too. The junior and intermediate sides are strong enough though to be fair

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Luckily that prick @ChocolateMice doesn’t post here anymore or he’d never shut up the Douglas Feile win.

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Daniel Kearney is a big miss interms of linking defence and attack. Would take up very clever positions.


I thought he was excellent in 2018 but teams had cottoned onto him in 2019 and his threat was easily negated by dropping a half forward to occupy the space he wanted to roam into. I think Cork were right to move on from him but the problem is that they have a forward line with a lot of similar style hurlers.

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I dont think they did move on from him. He was working with PWC at the time and upwards of 60 hours a week. An intercounty career was incompatible with that.

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All you need is one good side. Galway are an example of a team winning a pile of minors and some u21 yet not dominating at senior. We had one minor side and bang - that’s that

That’s it. They are all the same really and the ‘system’ they play is an attempt to maximise that skill set. Unfortunately, there is no balance and the forwards are so one dimensional that it easy for good teams to counter. When that happens there is no plan B.

If i am correct, since Newtown’s win in 2009, Cork teams have won 1 game in Munster club( Glen v Patrickswell). That is a shocking record. People say club has no bearing on county form but it looks like it does from a Cork point of view.


I wonder could they get Ben O’Connor involved with the senior set up.

His Cork teams were the only ones to take that ‘running style’ into an All Ireland.

Ben, Jerry, the two McCarthys, Tom Kenny…extremely ‘tough’ hurlers in terms of work rate and breaking tackles.

Ask those lads how they did it and get them to look out for lads who might be able to replicate it.

They pioneered the fucking thing!

He should have won an All Star in 2018.

He’s a massive loss, even if teams were nullifying him a bit, a clever player who is willing to work is a lot better than what they have now.


Use of the ball was always good. He kind of really figured his game out relatively late in his career.

It will be interesting to see do Cork double down on their tactics after the bye or do they try and reinvent themselves. Whatever about the what they do in possession is one matter and more complex to solve but sound fundamentals and discipline are what could help mitigate some of the crazy goals they are giving up at the other end. 4 of the starting 1-9 are being played out of position. Cahalane is a wing back. He is a clone of a player we have in Tipp in Seamus Kennedy. Very athletic and rangy player but not a stopper and you need a bit of a dog in full back. We tried Kennedy in Full back and that experiment didn’t last very long. Coleman should be moved to midfield. He will still get on a world of ball there and be able to distribute and perhaps be able to take some long range scores. He can still do defensive duties without responsibility to lock down the middle of defence. O Mahony is an enigma.
He has played in every line of the field for Cork. Played corner forward at one stage U21. Played Full forward under Denis Ring at another. Meyler had him playing centre back against Tipperary and he was replaced at 6 by Mark Ellis the next day. His performance against Blackrock at Full forward with a torn hamstring was probably one of the greatest club performances in Cork in the last few years. He has to start but his versatility is a bit of a curse. The last goal Cork gave up in the league final was truly shocking defending by O Mahony and encapsulates where Cork are at at present. Waterford goalkeeper played a short puckout and received it again before launching it down the field. O Mahony lost his man. He still had a chance to redeem himself but put in a feeble effort to tackle Bennett who probably couldn’t believe his luck. Its rare you would see an easier goal of that nature scored at intercounty level. Mellerick is probably one of Corks most natural man markers. They have 2 decent corner backs in O Leary and Sean Ó Donoghue. I’m surprised the latter hasn’t been given a go at full back and move Mellerick into the corner.


Management will be doubling down against Clare. Guaranteed.

Coleman is too small for anywhere on the pitch. Yeah an O’Leary/SOD/Millerick full-back line makes sense.