Cork weirdo/sicko thread

I wonder what heā€™d make of lads taking pictures of their pints?

Have you read this? Decent book, an easy read


TBH no just flicked through it,awful lot of his stuff about ,loads of secondhand books on war of independence etc cancer shop next to the roundy house,castle st- saw some old stuff about him and co

What would he make of lads taking pictures of their collection of runners?

Iā€™d say heā€™d be cool enough with runners mate

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One of the comments comes from a very esteemed internetter

Thatā€™s where I came across it.

Second shitty syndrome .

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Cork pikeys dumping their shit in Limerick. She got away very lightly with a grand fine.

Duddy coy

Delighted for the dirty devil,not a fucking lane in Ireland free from litter, about time something was done

Itā€™s not enough of a fine. She should also be put picking litter for a week. Drives me mental.


Thatā€™s the Charleville crowd for you

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Cork is a very dirty City ā€¦ People just dispose of their garbage when and where they like.

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Douglas Village is shocking of a morning. All KCs rubbish. They should employ someone to pick it up first thing each morning. No bin outside their chipper either


Apporopriate name.