Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Her interview on the Late Late/Ray D’Arcy Show a few years back was golden.

“I was in a very serious car accident, severe back and neck injuries”
“How long were you in hospital?”

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This lad featued before on this thread not all that long ago

Lock him up and throw away the key.


Yep touching up teens on a bus

What would be the basis for suspending 50% of both sentences here, @artfoley?

dickhead judiciary is the only answer i can come up with; the judge essentially halved both sentences. Id wonder if he had any convictions before his accident.

the guy is dangerous and should be committed until hes not a menace any more.

They’ll probably run them concurrently so he’ll be out in 2 years. 2 years for him to have a good long think about his actions…and how he will take revenge on his next victims.



Now that’s the way to write a click bait headline!


By the looks of her she could do with a make up

Explain this custom to me @gilgamboa?

getting ready to whip the bride


On my way back from Cork. Passed the Cork senior football team bus Being closely followed by the cork senior football team support vehicle

Were all 4 cork football supporters on board?


one man and a giant sombrero, or one giant cunt and a sombrero (dependant on your viewpoint of cyril)

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Frankie Sheehan welcoming the US ambassador to Ireland to Boherbue there.

Did Frankie ever get sorted with those financial issues that dogged him that time?

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Yes he is after making an unbelievable killing from the pendulum summit

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