Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Tis indeed , I enjoyed it .

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TT came across v well ( interviewer I’ll pass on,hear him on RedFM full of himself)

FYI if interested mastermind starts again tonight BBC 2. 7.30

Its extremely harsh to blame “Hoggy” for deflecting from the unique failure that he has been involved in as a Cark hurler over the last decade.

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It’s far from mastermind I was reared !

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He’s kept hurling alive single handedly down there since 2009.


Boobies, that will get hundreds of clicks from the TFK aul wans

Why is this newsworthy? Did they make her feel depressed or something?

You’d rather an oul lad who knocked himself unconscious with a dildo up his ass on McCurtain st?

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It’s the Mirror he’s reading mate.

She is involved in running a summer camp this week. Not a cul camp. A privately run affair I think. Cian Lynch was down with her today.

Fair play to him. Helping out a weaker county.

Cian go where the dolla go

Id be interested in the garda vetting process for these camps in general

If he refused she might have clocked him.

I’d swing the sword on her

She’d swing it back.


I’d be more interested in the venue and insurance for a private camp

I’d only love it