Cork weirdo/sicko thread

It appears law and order has broken down on the mainland

Looks like the Cork boys lacked the balls to actually go ahead and do anything

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The dressing up was great fun though I’d say.

That was a real shock alright

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They were going to fill the store with sweet potatoes.

That criminal mastermind bastard Tracksuit fueling and orchestrating disaffected youths to pull off the biggest tackie heist the state has ever seen of which he directly benefits from the proceeds.




Those particular Cork kids yes, enough Corkkmen did have balls though,while most of the rest of the country kissed the Brits arseholes,Google Crowley/Tony Aherne 2 young cork volunteers who died for Ireland in the 70s

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Spoilt cunts

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He got the idea from a show called "unsolved crimes " but then proceeded to tell everyone he was going to do it…


Kerry weirdo, point of order.

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Actually a Kerryman

Dangerous bastard

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Kerry men are very strange people, there must be a lot of inbreeding there.


Takes all sorts---- Kerry ppl are great in general,lot of booze drugs in the likes of Caherciveen etc during the long winter months ,no work bar fishing/ tourism,so the locals go mad on the bad stuff

id imagine this lad has to be a carkie

The sales executive’s phone required charging and the CEO offered his laptop to recharge the phone and it was while the sales executive went to the bathroom that he downloaded her photographs from her phone and sent them to himself.

The woman told the WRC that the photos included her “personal intimate photographs”.

The sales executive only became aware of the ‘hack’ in March 2018 when the CEO emailed her to say that he had told his ex living in Uruguay about the sales executive’s photos on his lap-top.

Mr Baneham found that “the hacking and dissemination of the photographs in these circumstances violated the complainant’s dignity at work in the most egregious way”.

Mr Baneham stated that extraordinarily, the CEO suggested in an email to the WRC that he wished to submit the photos as evidence for the WRC adjudication hearing but they were not submitted.