Cork weirdo/sicko thread

I was hoping to be the first to use “hurlix” and was only waiting for the right opportunity

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There’s always “bogballix”


I was thinking of launching hockix at the Olympics

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How was Limerix?

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That one works on a number of levels.

[quote=“Batigol, post:3445, topic:20209”]

The Union Jacks at PUC will be at half mast


Not a sign of it tonight on our luxurious all weather 4G pitch

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The church will come ta youuuuu! :laughing:

Why would you be bothered trying to reason with what is clearly an insane person.

because if that that was the case nobody would speak to anyone in cork


He should be pitied lads FFS not laughed at,as for the smart ass spouting about the church wouldn’t mind having a conversation with him the smarmy bastard


Probably a rubby man. @gilgamboa I’d say.

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We have our share aswell,kinda dull without eccentric folk about

I didn’t think he was one bit smarmy, why do think he was being smarmy? He was being very polite to the man. What’s this conversation you’de like to have with him? The guy who’s face we couldn’t see filming the encounter, he was the smarmy one there.

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That’s who i was referring to,the guy trying bad to be a clever cunt,the shite stirrer,butting in

Pardon me but I thought you were on about the other man.

This guy filming it, I didn’t like his tone, he sounded like a right creepy bastard. With that horrible nasal laugh. He sounded like he had a rugby ball up his arse. Despicable cunt trying belittle others and laugh at their expense.

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You got it in one bud,plenty of them whures in Cork - on the door one night ( Fransciscan well) little whure asked me after denying the drunken bollox in-“do you know you’re talking to a professional”? Needless to say I sent him on his way

Professional personal trainer was it?


That clip there is an example in microcosm of what is wrong with western society and the grip the spinning lying media has over us.

Entitled attitudes wherever they are ae extremely infuriating. Good man for pointing him on his way.

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