Cork - the softest of cunts 🐐

On the first floor of my building and keeping my eyes peeled Rocko. I can see a couple of guys starting to powerhose down a building, would that be the Farmer? Long way away, either one guy is 3ft 6" or the other guy is 7ft 4"…

That could well be the guy alright - accountancy is a broad field these days and powerhosing is one of many tasks expected of the profession.

If you see a guy ducking under the aircraft overhead then you have your man.

I’d take it easy with the slags if I were you Rock. We all know that Farmer is reading this right now. Probably sitting cramped at a desk too small for him, hunched over the computer, his face getting red with the anger, the eyes beginning to bulge and that vein starting to pulse…getting angrier and angrier.

Get out while you can Locke

How about Locke and Farmer meet for lunch in the hotel bar in The Radisson tomorrow at 1pm?

Locke, you carry a copy of The Examiner and wear a tweed jacket with elbow patches so Farmer will know it’s you.

Farmer, I think Locke will recognise you easily enough…

Unfortunately I am on a business trip and the boss is arriving today so my socialising is somewhat curtailed for the next few days…

It is a pig of a day in Cork alright…

Can’t do today and tomorrow is out too. Like two ships passing, destined not to meet…

This mutual shyness really is rather sweet.

imagine the awkward silences…

And I’m quite tall, (check out me beside Oirish man Graham McDowell on my page). Me and Farmer would get along…

You could wear Tom Cruise style shoes with 3 or 4 inch heels and match up height-wise with Farmer. Think of all the money ye lads could make as a clown double act at weekend birthday parties.

You look like you’re modelling that watch in the McDowell photo.

Good idea.
Alternatively lads, we’re shy a set of posts for a gaa tournament to be held inBeijing in a couple of weeks time. Fancy it?

Use you as the football Juhniallio - you are round enough…

Yes it looks like that alright. Fookin lost it there a few weeks back, can’t find the fecker anywhere.

Asked McDowell how he thought his week was going, he said some good some bad. Told him I was rooting for him, even wore the hat in his honour; he had a good giggle at that…

Did you try looking in those black Adidas trousers that you have? Or maybe look in the pocket of that black and gold jacket you wear sometimes. They’d be the first two places I’d look.

I must compliment Locke on his demeanour in the photos. The relaxed pose, the peaked cap, the golfing attire - he could almost pass as a professional himself.

To be fair Rocko I have to pull you up on a few points. Adidas pants are more charcoal grey to be fair, pic doesn’t do them justice. As for the Black/gold top, that’s trun in the back of the car at the minute, still wet from the golf last Sunday; not in there. Can you look in your bedside locker when you get back home, ta…

And usually for 6-8 holes of a normal round of golf you’d be right… It’s just the other 10-12 that I fook up on. Have a lesson at lunch (getting back to Farmer here in Cork, can’t meet him etc etc) so hopefully that will help shave a shot or 5 off my round. 93 last Sunday in wet conditions, scratched 3 holes, not good enough…

What does “trun” mean? I’m assuming that’s not a typo

Good question Flano, I’ll answer it. “Trun” would be the KK way of saying “thrown”; as in “the ref has trun the ball in and the game is underway”