Coronavirus - Close the Airports

3M worldwide cases now, when will we hit 4m?

When the UK starts testing properly and tells the truth.

The 2020 Rose of Tralee is OFF.

Why didn’t they use the helicopters that the council use to check for lads burning a bit of rubbish in their backyard. :rollseyes:

About 12 weeks ago.

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Middle of this week I’ll guess. We are already miles beyond 4m anyway

The Irish Times are reporting that the HSE is unlikely to be able to meet the 100k tests per week target until mid May at the earliest, and that the contact tracing regime hasn’t yet been ramped up to the degree required either. This may have implications on what restrictions can be eased next week.

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Stopped by two (2) guards whilst out on my distance compliant walk this morning. One on O’Connell street and one as i passed Phibsboro luas stop. Both were sound and one was actually quite hot.

Because it would be illegal. Typically we don’t encourage illegality, particularly from gov bodies.

Should they be tracking your phone? They could, I mean not legally, but why not - you’d just be “precious” complaining about it.

Fuck it, they should have access to your emails and messages too - what harm, you’ve nothing to worry about, no harm done etc

You should have got his number


Sssshhhhh the HSE are doing a great job mate.

Hope you are enjoying these pollution free times mate

Hopefully the old ways of cities being packed with cars and unnecessary flights are over

NZ are lucky they are an island nation with a small population.


Is it true that the NPHET meetings are not being minuted? I’ve seen some mention of that, but I thought they were releasing minutes within a reasonable timeframe at least.

Public Servant Unions are in discussion over pay increases as minute taking during global pandemic meetings was not specified in job title.

The cynic in me, and I hate to be cynical, fears that the government/HSE are going to try to mask the failure to implement a proper t&t regime and instead cite public non-compliance with measures as justification for extending the lockdown again. So poor Breda, Maura and Nuala will be scapegoated.

Clear case of covid. Youre likely riddled now too. Sorry pal, you’re a goner

All they have to do now is never let anybody in or out of their country ever again and they are sorted :ok_hand: