Coronavirus - Close the Airports

It’s slowly dawning on your Gav Reillys, Horseboxes and Frans that they’ve been bullshitting us for weeks.

Most of these test centres around the country are shut down. I know a lad who knows a lad who knows a lass that works in that De Gascun UCD lab, and she said they’ve been twiddling their thumbs for large parts of the last 6 weeks, even when they were in the media saying how stretched they were, needing to get German support etc.

If I was looking for a suspect I’d start with god, with the chinese a distant second. He’s got previous with plagues, famines, etc…ask the Egyptians, Syrians, Israelites, Nadab and Abihu etc


I’ll ask him when my time comes, for now I just want to try and survive this and enjoy the gift of life he has given me. Whenever he decides my time is up, I won’t quibble.

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You’re an awful aul gossip

We’ve only had 20k cases, people have calmed down a bit and aren’t looking for tests they don’t need.

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@Raylan in head first defending the establishment.

If that’s the case and you believe it then why pledge 100k tests a week? Can you square that one off?

I want you to put a metric up there to say why, rather than just saying it.

You said the Swedes and Danes could have less restrictions because of more ICU beds. Why?

I think that part is obvious. Like I said, people have calmed down now.

You’re getting warm @Raylan. Last couple of dots to join.

What they should implement is stratified sampling testing of the population. Symptoms or no Symptoms.

I’m going to need Maura, Breda and Nuala for this last bit

So in other words, “is Paddy a man or a mouse”?


Car crash interview by Paul Murphy there this morning with Pat Kenny, demanding the nationalisation of Aer Lingus;

Paul Murphy: The people in charge of airlines don’t know about the running of the airline
Pat Kenny -Are you saying Michael O’Leary and Willie Walsh don’t know about the airline business
PM-Well they do but they don’t know how to fly a plane
PK-Willie Walsh is a pilot
PM-Yeah but you know what I mean


According to the department of social protection the whole budget for the year will be blown by June.


tenor (4)


If they really loved each other it would not matter.

Lock it down until there’s a vaccine.

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You’re putting words in my mouth now.

I said Sweden and Denmark have a functioning health service, good standard public services and infrastructure and the free state don’t have these due to succession of governments running down public services and infrastructure so wealthy private interest can expand their profit base.

You’re after pissing a lot of lads off there