Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The wheelhouse. @Bandage has been throwing that around a bit lately too.

Tony Holohan is the man that requested that there be no independent review of the cervical check programme that happened under his watch because there was no evidence that there was any quality issues with it, a sort of don’t anyone look what we’re doing here, just trust we’re doing the right thing, despite the fact that they had outsourced the checking of the smear tests to labs outside of this jurisdiction (sound familiar?) with little oversight of what these labs were doing. Vicky Phelan, a terminally ill mother of two disagreed with Tony Holohan, and the courts agreed with her.

Tony Holohan is now in charge of our country’s medical well-being and economic well-being and we are being asked to trust him without question and hold the line, etc and trust that our health system, an absolute dysfunctional mess and money pit for as long as anyone can remember, is doing a great job and again not to be held up to scrutiny. Anybody asking any questions about this is a murderer and a traitor to the country. Hold the line, lock it down.

I fear the next generation will be looking back at this generation in the same way that we look back at the generation enslaved by the catholic church and ask what the fuck were ye thinking, was there nobody asking any questions.


We’re a nation of cap doffers.

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Heil Tony

Lads will go buck ape if restrictions eased the Friday of a Bank Holiday …every road out of Dublin will be a car park. Best leave it to Monday evening to announce anything major… If we get out of this by June I think we have some chance…compared to financial crisis I think there’s a lot more money about to throw at this…


With the exception of Alan Kelly of course who’s all over this. No hysteria, just a calm analytical quest for accountability from the shapeshifters. What a fucking man.


Monday or Tuesday would be best situation to calm people heading for holiday homes. A good 3 weeks to June BH to change restrictions if needs be. That would be a sensible approach

I’d say Leo would be happy enough if not easing in lockdown until 4th of July so he can get an “independence day” reference into one of his rousing addresses to the nation


I would say that’s the plan… Ease it bit by bit… I think there’ll be money thrown at SME’s, maybe in the form of grants… There’s already some sort of structure to work off from Brexit fallout … Its also hard to gauge full amount of people who have been laid off as opposed to being made redundant…not many small companies could absorb the hit of paying people when no work there but might be able to take them back when things start up again…

A bit if easing and a plan will calm most people the morons will still rock the boat.

I would love the pubs to be open and back to relative normality but I know that’s not possible a bit of concession on restrictions will be a good step.

He’s nearly as fond of that nugget as you are

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The politics of division … We’ve seen Leo being the good guy at the start, cheesy speeches and photo ops … but as soon as the screw began to turn, the onus began to shift onto Dr Tony and 'we’re just following x, y, z … the screw has turned a few more times and now the onus has been shifted onto the public in what is one of the most disgusting acts in recent times. Lot’s of people are under many different kinds of pressure and yes, Leo and Tony are working hard in many ways, but shifting the blame onto the public is what you get when you really scratch the surface… We’ve seen this with Leo before tho with his welfare cheat campaign - We are not your enemy, your neighbour is your enemy. That’s lower than low now more than ever.

He was in the dail then today wondering why non covid sick people are not seeking medical help --all the while threatening an extension of lockdown for people not following the measures … does he not see a link here?

Then there’s the old SF bashing - a report in the Indo today with Leo saying SF are using to crisis for unity ---- The stand look over there MO of FFG. More division.

I think 99% of people will continue following measures if they have an honest and open assessment of where we are really at and the exit plans in place… We’ve had a load of kites this week, testing being the main one, but the soundings have been all over the place and the goal posts keep being moved. And Leo, who hadnt mentioned an exit plan, is all over it now that there’s loads of online demand for it …

Just tell us where we are at, what the plan is and let’s get on with it ta fuck. Stop the games and the politics of division. Now more than ever the country needs unity, not to be paranoid about their neighbours and community.


Lads won’t go buck ape if they’re eased. Compliance has been excellent so far

So what you’re saying is… OPEN IT UP TA FUCK!!!

No, not yet.

I’m looking for a bit of honesty, clear direction and unity first … I suspect the pubs will open before that.

I’ll do another 3 months if we have to - but only if we get clear direction and a map out of this from the top … you cant expect people to just aimlessly amble along in the hope that another country will solve it for us.


That’s exactly what they are hoping.

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What clear direction though. They haven’t a clue what they are dealing with here and what will be needed to stop it. Nobody does. A vaccine that might never be found? Herd immunity that might not be possible for a decade?

Asking FG for clear direction when none is possible is a transparent political stunt. Whats SFs proposal?

No way that zoom would be secure enough for the army council. Their mi5 friends could surely provide something more appropriate

SF are not in power. Stop deflecting. I dont represent SF nor do i sit in on their meetings.

I’ve no problem with the course changing direction along the way … but we can surely map what we envisage the next 3 - 6 months is gonna be like? How can other countries do it? Chastising the public for their fuck up of not protecting nursing homes is not helpful. Leo said today that 690 of the 1000 deaths have been from nursing homes and of people in long term care … that’s three quarters from nursing homes and people that are long term sick… how does that add up to scolding the general public for not following measures when it’s clear they have been.
The government currently have a gag on HSE workers to keep a lid on the nursing home scandal. That’s purely self serving.
We’re getting all kinds of bullshit about testing and testing capability. We’ve had row backs on masks. On contact tracing and on and on … that’s where I want most clarity. What is our actual target and where are we going. At what point numbers wise does the government envisage measurements being rescinded?

We’re being coerced currently - forced to comply by threat. Instead of telling us where we need to go so we can unite and reach our targets. Not divided.

I said it above as well, full credit to him. Doing the work that opposition parties should be.