Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Is this real? You are saying you have no problem with them coming out with a plan and then changing it. And then bitch about them lying and coming out with untruths in the rest of your post.

What country has it nailed is doing exactly the right thing and therefore its the one that should be followed? Keep in mind you have a serious aversion to being ‘coerced’ as if that is anywhere near what’s happening now

Can you not read? - You’re clearly just looking for an argument for the sake of it and I’ve not interest in amusing you.

Alan Kelly nailed it just there in the Dail. Go have a listen… Roisin Shorthall is giving it to the Taoiseach now also… I suppose they are all spouting shite also.

AK47 AK47 AK47

He’s a clever buck in fairness to him.

Leo the Lighthouse will keep the Good Ship Ireland from crashing on the rocks of Covid 19

Why did he drive us into the tunnel at all?

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Do what you are told and like it. Don’t ask questions. Hold the line

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That article a few years ago with Sindo about power suiting him wasn’t too clever. I find him loud more than anything.

Leo the Lightweight has a good ring to it alright. Grand for speeches, shit for actual work or putting his name to anything that could be used against him in the future.


Taoiseach Leo Varadkar says private hospitals are about 33% occupied, public hospitals are about 80% occupied, ICUs are about half occupied and Citywest is largely unoccupied.

Hi choco. Welcome back. I missed you. Any chance you could get the shinnerbots trending
#Sleobhìn or maybe #Sleoveen would be easier. Thanks.


A few thoughts if I may:

  1. If the problem is people coming down from the north and the lockdown has done nothing to prevent that, what’s the point in extending the lockdown because of that problem

  2. The reason the figures are up beyond what they wanted is because the north eastern HSE section of the country has gotten so bad. The lack of media attention as to the real reasons for that is getting sinister.

  3. Yesterday there were as many people on the street in Kilmainham as normal, up noticeably from a week ago. Football and gaa behind closed doors on a Saturday and Sunday would give people a reason to stay home and would have a public health benefit.

  4. This 100,000 tests figure seems to just be a figure that theyve picked out of their arse. Does any country on earth have that sort of capacity? Maybe germany maybe? The lockdown will end when our capacities are as strong in total as Germany with a population of 90 million?

  5. I’m not necessarily against extending the lockdown but I want to be treated like an adult. I genuinely despise the media and political establishment in this country for how they treat people like children but I suppose it’s the same everywhere.

  6. Mary Lou has been terrible, she isn’t getting it at all, shes just playing their game on their own terms.

  7. If the lockdown doesnt end on 5 May, or within a week thereafterwards, the public will ignore it and it will all collapse.

  8. If they’re saying that the lockdown isn’t working because public cooperation is slipping, firstly they’re a pack of cunts but secondly, how is extending the lockdown going to increase public cooperation?

  9. I dont see any alternative to ending the lockdown before 12 May and having a 2nd lockdown in winter time.


I’m flattered to be called young

Woo slow down there this is no place for common sense

Had a great chuckle at it. God forbid teenagers having sex where would they get the idea. All I gave a shite about during leaving was getting the hop.

Aside from the politics,

We aren’t under lockdown. People go to their parks and for walks with friends daily. How would people react if we had to face the measures they do in France or Spain?

People are addicted to their easy living care free lifestyles. Multiple trips abroad, a new phone every year or so, amazon deliveries through the roof. There’s no acceptance this is all based on finite fossil fuel, and is unsustainable anyway with climate change. We might be alright as we’ll be past caring but society is in for a shock in the next few decades.