Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Everything must change for everything to stay the same.

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This sums up my thinking. Also, I hate the likelihood of politicians spinning this in a way that doesn’t address the management of it so far in relation to testing and contact tracing which seems to be a joke.

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hold the mother fugging line

Tracing is another joke, I didn’t even think if that. You cant just throw money at the problem.

They overstated the boundaries for testing at the start which meant results and subsequent tracing completely ran away from them. So we don’t really know where we are with it.

Other measures such as the reproductive rate may be able to be assessed but I can’t imagine it could be as comprehensive as the other means.

Contact tracing is an utter load of bollox, another “solution” being proposed by governments who either know it can’t be implemented but want to sound like they are doing something (like mass testing), or worse still actually think it can be implemented.

Contact tracing would only work if at least 60% of the population were participating. In Singapore where the population are more tolerant of government intrusion than most countries, 16% have signed up for their TraceTogether app.

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Is Professor Nolan briefing us tonight?


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Shelter in place in Bay Area extended to end of May, with a few restrictions lifted. Construction projects allowed, outdoor businesses like gardening centers allowed to open, and golf starting back up.

In separate but related news, Gov Newsome to order all state beaches and state parks closed. So, you can play golf but not go the park or beach. Got it.

To be fair, not any gobshite can go play golf willy nilly, you’d need to be a club member so it’s easily regulated - and I despise golfers.

Parks and beaches will be a free for all and impossible to police social distancing.

You don’t need to be a member to play on a public course and we have lots of them. Lads will be golfing that have never held a club in their lives.

Either way I reckon it’s far easier enforce than a beach or park. Social distancing shouldn’t be an issue with golf.


Cc @Ralphie

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Hold lads

Would it be normal for GPs to be diagnosing people with cancer? Id have thought they’d refer them to a specialist. In my experience GP’s are generally useless enough cunts only good for getting sick notes off.


Some GPs are going out of their way to draw attention to their patients’ plights. Like Dr Nina Byrnes, also a client of NK Management curiously enough :thinking:

What’s NK Management?

Supposedly the proposed Timetable for getting back to normal has been leaked.

Will property tax be increased in line with increased occupation?

Enforcing social distancing in playgrounds :rofl:

You go to a GP and tell them what’s wrong with you. If you don’t know what’s wrong then they send you on to someone who does.