Coronavirus - Close the Airports

That is the theory anyway Mikey

I’d nearly go for a game myself if they lift restrictions and I fucking despise golf


Pitch and Putt is the one to play.

So they want us to go back to work before crèches open :man_shrugging:

The grandparents can mind the kids. Oh no wait…

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We better hope some other countries come up with a decent plan, because our lads are scared shitless to make a decision

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No they want you to mind your children.

Oh to live in a proper country


And work as well? Will the construction workers bring them to the site with them I wonder.

43 deaths

359 cases

The hold the liners will be going absolutely ape with that one


So I’ll get to see my parents in August by the looks of things. Seems reasonable.

Will ye fuck off out of it now lads and show some fucking balls and leadership.


If you can, if you can’t you mind your children, they’re yours after all.

Only if pencil neck says you are good boy

The Swedes have really shown balls throughout all this. They deserve whatever economic advantages they have after it’s all said and done.

We’ll be able to sit in a pub on our own for one glass of Guinness by Christmas hopefully


No hairdressers til August. Women won’t go back to work :joy:

Pal of mine called me today. Tested positive. Initially got a false negative. Had a headache for a week but was tested as in at risk group.

This is out there lads all over the place.

Christ they are depressing figures.

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