Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Do you see many married couples on construction sites?

I saw a chart earlier on cases per million of head of population.

It had us third behind Spain and Belgium.

Don’t know about the accuracy.

No but sure aren’t all nurses married to Guards

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corresponds to numbers tested. We are testing more than most countries.

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Noel Kelly Management, media agency I suppose you’d call it

Noel is the chap to Pat Kenny’s left there, with all his stars

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Sadly, id say you’re looking at September mate.

Of course, if its essential - go and visit them whenever you need to.

We are testing all nursing homes I suppose. Still - sounds pretty bleak.

I was stopped by a Gardai checkpoint earlier. A nice young female Garda asked me where I was going. I told her. “Is it essential?” she said. “ It is” I responded. “Off you go so” she said.

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Hopefully… The shift work will make it easier to mind the Chislers…

The more people infected the better. We’ll all have to get it at some stage and hopefully keep it away from the elderly


R was in freefall before the “hard restrictions”.

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Lock down has been proven to kill more people that it saves and the micks go for another month of it. I’m mystified by the whole thing.

222 of 359 cases are in nursing homes. Most of the remainder are health professionals. Why are they carrying on this pretense that we need to lockdown the community. What am I missing here? some counties like Donegal have 2 new cases, other large counties - a handful of new cases.
It will be after June Bank holiday before we see any lifting of restrictions.


Surely you can visit them any time you want who’s going to stop you? If you drive during the afternoon on a Saturday youre almost certain not to meet a checkpoint. I wouldnt visit mine due to them being over 70 and not great health but the government rules have fuck all to do with it.

I agree they should be starting to ease restrictions but surely it goes without saying the lack of community transmission is because of the restrictions?? Sure almost zero people are meeting people from outside their home how would there be community transmission.

In economic terms Ireland is the titanic and were just pulling out of Cobh as we speak.

Plan here is to reopen members only. Local club is expecting a raft of new members.

Nah fuck that. I’ll visit my loved ones whenevr the fuck I want. This spinsham Govt can go suck it

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Less of your scaremongering please.

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This fella pulls things straight out of his arse.
He reckons there would have been 4,700 deaths.

Sweden have 2,500 with virtually no lockdown and have twice the population