Coronavirus - Close the Airports

She needs to read her own rule book.

The reintroduction of border control at the internal borders must remain an exception and must respect the principle of proportionality. The scope and duration of such a temporary reintroduction of border control at the internal borders is limited in time and should be restricted to the bare minimum needed to respond to the threat in question. Reintroducing border control at the internal border should only ever be used as a measure of last resort.

The reintroduction of border control is a prerogative of the Member States. The Commission may issue an opinion with regard to the necessity of the measure and its proportionality but cannot veto such a decision if it is taken by a Member State.

I suppose I was getting an idea that people have an issue with it from the president of the EU

No you weren’t, you guessed and have been googling furiously since

Not really - I remembered the vibe that it wasn’t being perceived well and was one of the reason why a blanket ban wasn’t imposed. My earlier efforts didn’t seem to convince you (do you have a trust issue Mike?) so some third party references were required.

You’ve been corrected now though so both of us can rest easy.

Now back to your plan to close some of the borders but not all of them - which is (checks notes) exactly what New Zealand isn’t doing …

Health care workers are dying for the same reasons other people are dying, age and underlying health conditions. They are also exposed to the virus much more than any other segment of the population, and early on were not protected properly when treating patients.

From your questions I’m not sure you understand what herd immunity is. Herd immunity is the only alternative to a complete lockdown and complete ban on inward travel, for as long as the virus exists worldwide which could be decades or centuries.

Will we get a chance to clap tomorrow night?

But that’s on the provision that there’s such thing as immunity, science is still failing us with the definitive answer on that as of yet.

Look, I think the outlook is more positive now - if it’s a case it has been here longer than we thought then there’s a chance it may not be as infectious as we thought or the infection levels and potential immunity is ahead of where we might think.

But safeguards need to take place and as a small island on the west coast of Europe, Ireland has many, many advantages other countries do not in handling and suppressing the virus but I don’t trust this government to do so. The virus is here but Ireland has an advantage when it comes to point that we are on top of it, its status as a small island with a small population is a huge advantage. New Zealand need to be the model for Ireland.

Incorrect, you clearly stated that Ireland did not introduce travel restrictions because of EU rules/frowning. There are specific rules to allow border controls of which I have posted up for ease of reference. I can understand the cap doffer in you detests any sort of frowning from his betters but that is more a personal issue as opposed to a valid reason not to control the border.

There most certainly is such a thing as immunity, otherwise the greater than 99% of people who contract this virus would not be recovering from it. There are questions about how strong the immunity is and how long it lasts. That’s the same with any infectious disease.

Don’t move the goal posts just because you’re floundering Mike - at no stage did I say they didn’t because of rules or because it was illegal

You keep on coming back to this issue though and it’s a sideshow. My theory is you do that because your “why don’t we shut the borders like NZ” whine has quite a lot of holes in it on any sort of close examination to my mind

Tease it out a bit more there for me. You’d love to show me up - here’s your chance.

You want us to prevent any visitors from anywhere indefinitely? We’ll tell @Batigol to lock the place down. Are you sending the FCA to Cavan etc to police it there or what’s your plan for the North? Also, if you could give me a quick run-down on how goods were going to come in and out of the country on trucks but the drivers wouldn’t that would be fab?

Lock the whole place down ta fuck

So over exposure to someone who is infected is bad news & lockdown measures are good? Thanks

The lockdown measures were appropriate at the beginning when it was unknown how bad this would get and how overwhelmed the health care system would get. They are no longer justified, given the destruction they have caused the economy, and it’s debatable whether they are any more effective than sensible social distancing.

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Lots of hearsay there…

A friend of a work colleague was chatting to a lad on Tinder (Not @Copper_pipe).

She broke lockdown and went over to his house for the jump. In the space of the following 10 days the two of them had tested positive for the virus.




I’ve actually met this one on a night out and once I heard the news I wasn’t too surprised :see_no_evil:


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1 million unemployed in Ireland out of a workforce of less than 3 million is not hearsay.

The death rate in Sweden which has implemented sensible social distancing but no lockdowns is the same as Ireland. That’s not hearsay either.

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