Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Look on the bright side. The weather will be good tomorrow

Yes. The evidence is that people had already adopted sensible social distancing in February and that slowed the spread, before any lockdowns were implemented. There was no need to impose draconian measures and destroy whole industries.

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I’m not sure about anything else but there was zero social distancing being done in any part of ireland in February. It wasn’t even on anyone’s radar really. I was in the pub the Friday of Cheltenham and that was the first time I noticed anything different. Fellas washing their hands a lot and laughing at the good of it. Then someone took out his camera phone in temple bar and all was changed changed utterly.

I was at The 1975 in 3 Arena first week of March. No social distancing but people were washing hands a bit more diligently.

That fella should get mob justice. The pub owner too as a majority of publicans already voluntarily closed as requested by the government.

And here we have it … A super spreader.


The (face)mask has slipped.

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The same guy trying to knife Mary Lou for holding meetings in late Feb …


I don’t think it’s going too far to say @TheUlteriorMotive is solely responsible for the destruction of the Irish economy

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Sure they’ll pin up Ferguson’s model and tell us they saved 10 million lives in Limerick alone by locking the country down

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i’m just the ideas guy

Christ, every one of you cunts are to blame. It seems only me and @Horsebox are in the clear here.

You’re an absolute disgrace.

Even Sinn Féin stopped holding public rallies in late February.

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I can’t believe it. I replied before scrolling down to see you made the same point first. This changes everything.

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I’ve got to hold my hands up here. I was following Sidney’s informative posts on this in Q1 and started to practice physical distancing to the extent possible.

For example, I used it to avoid attending a work meeting in London on Tuesday, 3 March.

That said, I went to Glasgow on Friday, 6 March to attend Celtic’s last game of the season the following day.

However, that was only to test my eyesight in a match environment to determine whether I needed a new contact lens prescription.

Any parent would have done the same thing to protect their family, but I’ll take the super-spreader barbs if I must.


Fucking hell

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Christ :disappointed_relieved:

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I was OIUTF in March. Where I go TFK follows.

Once the gig was over I said LIDTF.

It’s entirely fair and logical to be OIUTF for things that you enjoy and LIUTF for the other things. Allowing this approach would give the economy a nice shot in the arm.


Hang on. Is it not OIUTF and LIDTF?