Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I think you’re right, but local variations may exist.

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I don’t agree that they mean the same, but I can live with it. I’d be very tolerant like that.

Who’s left under the bed? @carryharry, @myboyblue and @Arthur?

reading the Clare champion there online, it would fucking sicken you, every single activity comes with the ad on " social distancing measures will be in line with current HSE requirements" or similar bullshit,

Paddy brow beaten into hiding in his gaff for the next 4 years


A photograph of “Mickey Joe enjoying a walk on the beach in Kilkee with his nephew whilst adhering to the current social distancing guidelines as set out by the HSE” isn’t he a great lad


Everything opening up here now except schools. Was in the office earlier on to sign a few documents. Traffic back. A great feeling blowing the car horn at some cunt getting away too slow from the lights. Border opening here from 15th June.


Paddy might be allowed to go for walk 20k from his house in August

can you put your finger on it at all?
do you think older folk are scared of their life of the twitter nazi population and are just doing this to keep the peacen
“Mom, i will stand out in the garden and then Chloe and Fiachra will wave in the window to you donning our facemasks, you then need to pose whilst i upload a photo hasthag we love tony , hashtag teamirelabd hashtag mom hashtag quality time to my feed” ok mom…"
if the poor woman either ventures left or right she has this tyrant roaring at her and behaving like an adolescent hiding behind her social media facade in her make believe lonely world of likes and retweets,
Harris has let the pied piper gig go to his head now, but until challenged properly with data and im not taking about a doler from SF taking about minimum wage or waiting lists ( whilst secretly enjoying the extended idleness) we need a fella like Haughey to in and clip him round the ear and get the place moving, a statesman type figure to get the place going again


22km if he has a pony and trap.

What we have found out is that Ireland is by and largely a nation of yes men, cowards and lickspittles, cunts ringing the guards on their neighbours and the likes for going an extra 1 k for a walk


Shannon airport is completely done.

School’s out for summer. School’s out forever.

It’s no wonder England ruled us for 800 years with a man in the Castle only needing to give a look of chastisement.


If everything goes to plan I’ll be allowed buy new pair of curtains in two weeks.
The old ones are wrecked from all the opening and closing.


Not just drinking soup anymore its ating bat soup

Now is not the time for dickying up the house when you should be rating out your friends and family to the Gestapo


2 metre rule? I thought they said “try to keep a distance of 2 metres as much as possible”, and clarified further that the 2m is “guidance”. So it’s a rule now? What is the penalty for breaches of the rule. It’s important to know what punishment will be imposed by the Irish medical gestapo.

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They’re looking for you.