Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Its 1m. Just waiting to crown Meehawl so he can make the big announcement. He will announcing a series of feelgood measures like the right to see your family, and fastrack the reopening, ie bring the pubs forward 2 weeks and Mick will love him for it

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Homestore and more do lovely twitch resistant ones

Some NZ health guy was on after saying hairdressers are back. No spike in cases

Then this twat talking about September and 2 metres


It was a rule then it wasn’t but now it is again

Every other economy in Europe is going to be up and trying to motor at least and we’ll still be hiding under the duvet in the box room with our fingers in our ears.

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Spain and Italy have hair-dressers/Barbers and beauticians back a couple of weeks — and both countries were a lot worse than us… Paddy cant get his hair cut until the end of July tho.


Its very sad to see the numbers outlined as they are there, numbers, rather than people.

The other thing too though is that the type of facility and profile of its patients would need to be factored into the equation. The Tara Winthrop facility in Swords are the same owners as the new one built in Castlebridge, that one there had zero deaths. Both run in the same manner, but I know the Swords facility is a more dedicated high dependency unit where an awful lot of the occupants are very ill or confined to their beds. An infection in somewhere like that would unfortunately kill a lot of the people due to their condition. Both are high occupancy facilities too and larger than a lot of the others, so the number would be high, but the percentage may not be as high as some others. And then other homes will have fared better as they may be more residential homes rather than a care facility.

If nothing else, this may spur some action between the HSE and care home facilities to have greater involvement. HIQA are involved in the certification and signing off, inspections etc for care homes but bar that, they are essentially left to their own devices in terms of staffing and equipment through their own investments.

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I got my hair cut by a hairdresser two weeks ago.

I dont know of any in Cark except my usual barber.

I think the only logical thing to do now is cancel school forever and we can all go and die in a field in peace.


Of course there have been no spikes, dumbass.

I’d say a hairdresser hasn’t been asked to do a spike since the late 1980s.


So 550 positives out of 27750 tests on people who had symptoms. Its bate and fizzeled out OIUTF

A full month of sub 100 daily new cases would surely have us nearly there with regard to it?

Have science managed to uncover how transmissible this is from an asymptomatic person as opposed to a symptomatic person?

Probably not knowing those clowns. :rollseyes:

You’ll have to pick up a see-through set

I broke the lockdown yesterday and today (@Horsebox your mother was asking for ya) and didn’t see a guard about. This thing is done. Open it up and let people exercise personal responsibility.


Massive cut backs on garda overtime last week or so hence lack of checkpoints. I was up and down to limerick last friday no checkpoint as opposed to 4 (2 up and 2 down) few week prior.

That seems to be about right. The HSE website is still touting the “try to keep a distance of 2 metres as much as possible”, where’s the guy that tried to cover up the Cervical Check scandal wants us to believe it’s a rule. You’d hate to see someone getting pepper sprayed by an overly-zealous member of AGS for standing, say 1.2m from some busy body.

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do you run a care home by any chance?
are you one of these bastards who was cleaning out an ould man’s bank account and wouldnt pay for a bit of PPE for your staff instead claiming the HSE owed you facemasks? all the time accelereating the revolving door policy that was facilitated by the catalyst that was covid 19? … next man in lads, ive a free bed there- bunk in with davy , he has the old dementia and im feeding him porridge, wave out the window there davy, good man

Private care home are essentially death camps and this disease has provided them with excess raw material

you bastard