Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The whole point of reopening slowly and carefully is to try and mitigate against a regression in freeing restrictions. That would be absolutely devastating.

A hell of a lot shorter than the rest of us … no one knows at the minute what’s right.

All I know is that people in their 80s, who are ill, are predominately dying from this bastard thing … the age hitting the ICU is much lower than that alright … but the rate is down, way down … the sun is shining … and the people need to live. Let them live …

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There have been less than 100 deaths to date from Covid in the under 65’s

I’m not sure that this level of economic and societal shutdown would justify that death rate if we could isolate & protect the over 65’s.


How many under 65s were hospitalized and ended up in critical care? What lasting damage is done to people who get a severe dose of this cunt? Lung function seems to be very adversely affected.

Sure lookit, OIAUTF and there’s a possibility we’ll be right back where we were only a few months ago.

I don’t know - there are certainly reports of ongoing health issues but I suppose no-one knows how long it lasts. On the other hand there are clearly long lasting effects on individuals and society of a lockdown - it isn’t victimless.

What is clear though is that the vast bulk of the hospitalisation and death falls on over 65s. As we open up, there could or should be a two-speed plan. Under 65’s could accelerate with access to schools etc and the over 65’s should proceed at a much slower pace. For example, if restaurants were to reopen perhaps there initially should be an upper age limit.

Fucking hell the very fact that you made that was last statement and the fact that it’s a legitimate possibility is utterly depressing.

That’s not a dig at you, fella, just what a shit situation we’re all in

That death rate is so low due to lockdown. Perhaps it would be a lot higher amongst under 65s if no restrictons were in place

Yeah - there are no good options and no way to reopen that is completely risk-free.

The clown who filmed and posted it is a Traitor if the Irish people. Curtain twitcher

Possibly, although the point still stands about the low rate. I suspect that in that cohort of under 65s there are probably a reasonable percentage with complicating conditions too.

The thing is how to protect vulnerable people where they need care in the same place as people sick with the virus need care?

Covid designated hospitals?

It’s reality tho … we cant keep young people locked away forever.

It’s not forever though is it. Theres a plan in place to try do it at the same time as mitigating as much as possible the risk of having to revert

Left in the hands of medics it could well be.

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It might be. Sure if there’s no vaccine? But yeah, lock it down for a generation

This would be a useful stat to know. And useful to compare to the Swedish approach.

Only god can save us now … Any idea when she might show up?

My landscape architect days that the last 2 weeks have been his busiest in 20 years

If things are still good in June it will open up a bit more, likewise July.

The alternative is to open up too quickly and run the risk of going back to square one. That will be devastating

How maybe over 65s are walking around with undiagnosed cancer? Or other health problems? How many are depressed out of loneliness and isolation?