Coronavirus - Close the Airports

And if they aren’t? Lockdown?

Obesity and diabetes are the top unlying conditions called out on rte a few weeks ago for under 65s

Months of not screening will cause deaths. Days and weeks are critical in some cases for detection of cancer. Will they give daily updates on non Covid deaths caused by the lockdown in 6 to 12 months or pat each other on the back for the great job of locking down Ireland?


Can you put all three countries on the same graph so we can get a better handle on things?

DIY mate.

Link, you lazy hoor.

The acute hospitals seem to have done a pretty good job of keeping vulnerable people separate - all be it with reduced numbers of normal cases.

Here is a 3 day rolling average of new cases

Sweden has gone above Italy

This one shows the excess mortality for EU nations from 15-64 for 2020 compared to other years. 2020 is the blueline

Active cases and recovered cases are probably the most unreliable data, as who knows how they are being defined or recorded. Recovered cases should be people who have recovered and have tested negative, so no longer active. if you look at the recovered numbers on the JHU site, Sweden has had only 5k recovered cases of 36K overall cases (14%), while Ireland has had 22K recovered cases of 25k overall cases (88%). This is clearly nonsensical and suggests Sweden are not recording many recovered cases, or Ireland are recording almost everyone who has not died as recovered.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the past 10 weeks it’s that the most unreliable data is the stuff that doesn’t suit the fella looking at it, and vice verse of course


I’d actually agree here in this instance, which is why I changed the metric when @ironmoth was too bone idle to go and get the graph himself.

The 3 day rolling average of confirmed cases is significant (I think). Even more so when you consider Sweden aren’t testing as much as Ireland and Italy

Ireland have tested > 60k/1m
Italy < 59k/1m
Sweden <25k/1m

FFS sake @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy, do I have to publicise everything for you?

9 deaths

46 cases


What’s the active cases like now?

I think they’re down to 40k active cases in Italy.

I love how statistics can be manipulated to drive any message you want

You are half right.

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Half right 60% of the time

This reminds me of that scene from the end of 28 days later.

WTF. So we just keep kids off school forever because he doesn’t want to see them wearing masks.

  • Minister for Education Joe McHugh has said he does not want to see a picture where children have to wear face masks when they return to school.

He says there is a willingness to make a return to school in September possible.

  • 21:52

Minister for Education Joe McHugh says his officials have not “given up” on students returning to school fully in September.

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A good way to say we’ve no fucking idea what we’re at