Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Don’t Roche have a place in Clare they are closing down or have now closed down?

Median age of the deaths is 84

Dr. Tony is a bit of a populist i think

Morto for her

These are the kind of people that should be running the country apparently.


Closed with a few years now

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So whos the bigger fool, a brain donor like claire herself or the sheep who are duped by her pie in the sky promises even when voting for her to go to brussels and do nothing

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Nah. A very decent and honourable man.

Serious business this internet stuff

This will be Bulgarias answer to that old iconic photo of Irish emigrants hanging off a piece of scaffolding on top of a New York skyscraper with their lunch and woodbines in tow.

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Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus that was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Chinese researchers are said to have used coronaviruses in their work to develop an AIDS vaccine. HIV DNA fragments are believed to have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome.

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One of our best politicians ever ever I read here earlier

Sidney at it again on twitter


This is the eejit that thinks Trump is doing a great job :grin:

Whats sidneys handle on twitter?

Did this Keelings thing not happen then?

Ah no, I doubt anyone believes that

No, they’re a whiskey company

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