Coronavirus - Close the Airports

And there it is

The PMs are flying here. The moral support crew are in meltdown.

This is bigger than former poster Sidney. If he was still with us he’d agree that he got it wrong no doubt. We all must be able to review and repent.

cc @peddlerscross you treacherous cunt of a man.

Have another review there, buddy.

The most treacherous cunts on this forum

But shur they’ll blame it on the beans on chips brigade anyway

Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill

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Pubs are finished.


Síbín’s are back :pint:

When you sit back and look at them, they were filthy disease ridden cesspits really.

Packed bars and bar staff rinsing glasses in dirty, cool sudsy water & passing them back out again.
Cocaine riddled jacks. Floors stinking of piss & vomit.

The Irish had a serious problem & this virus will cleanse us good & proper of it.


You’re making me all sad and nostalgic here.


Jesus that’s very harsh! My local is a grand spot. It’s a proper country pub that would be rarely too busy and probably not many under the age of 25 drink there but it’s a great meeting place for many in the community. I think lads will appreciate their locals a little more in a few months when this is all over.

The Ireland a lot of lads knew is gone.

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This make you feel better?

I was talking about Skanger City & Townie pubs.

? You’ve lost me here

I used to walk through the lane at coppers to go to work in the morning… After the smoking ban came in the bang out of the place of vomit and stale beer and fart was horrendous…

You’d have to wonder how many pubs are going to go to the wall now? Even if some form of table service was allowed that won’t be enough to keep them going. Harris pinning his hopes on a vaccine which realistically may never even arrive.

Likelihood is they will eventually realise that we will just have to live with the virus and open things up again. Even with no vaccine. Doesn’t look like that will be this year though.