Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

This from the fella who is crying out about truth being essential


Orwellian is moderate in relation to whats going on mate.

Depends on the context, doesn’t it. When talking about serious matters of public health and other matters that affect how society functions, it definitely is.

When you’re winding up a cunt on a niche Irish internet forum who doesn’t know what he’s even arguing about, not so much.

The models are based on assumptions, many of which we have little idea whether they are true or not.
How many people were infected in January and February and were asymptomatic? They had no or very mild symptoms but could infect others. Is that number 10% of all cases, 20%, 50%? We certainly had no idea in early March, and it’s still largely unknown.

You are truly blessed with a stunning lack of self-awareness.

Take your own advice Sid. It was a rare moment of lucidity but it wasn’t wrong.

They’ve a whole section on it for Flu strategies.

Obama’s aids said that they told Trump’s ones about a pandemic response (fully considered by public health experts and economists). It’s one of his big failures on this. He had a limited strategy.

Public health officials have been warning of this for years. I’d agree that it is hard to immediately respond - nobody thought we’d be in this situation 6 weeks ago and the WHO themselves were downplaying this not too long ago- but they do have considered strategies on this across the board.

I’d agree that this is a new challenge and unthinkable barriers have been crossed. On the other side of the coin, the media were actively haranguing public health experts in the likes of the UK and the Netherlands for not shutting down as other countries were.

That colleges models were way off with Sars as well…a very similar virus.

They don’t seem to have any conscience in terms of small business, mental health etc - the testing of Covid-19 is apparently a shambles as well - not blaming them for that. I’m sure their hearts are in the right place.

Asymptomatic cases won’t be known until there are widespread sereology tests.

At the moment it’s literally like looking for something that never existed

I’m not the person that’s obsessed with winning an argument, here, pal. You’re the person who waded in and picked one. It isn’t my fault that you thought you saw a chance to notch a “win” to salve your e-go and fell flat on your face because it turned out you didn’t actually know what you were even arguing about, you were just whinging for no reason.

“Self awareness”, lolz.

That’s another classic trope. You gave yourself the win three or four posts back, no need to repeat yourself, it looks desperately needy.

A hell of a lot of projection there, pal. Steaming in to desperately start an argument when you don’t even know what you’re arguing about is a dead giveaway about who’s needy and who isn’t.

The scientists doing the models are not involved in economic decisions. It’s like saying the lads who developed the atom bomb decided to drop it. Scientists provide the best data they can, flawed as it may be, and politicians get to make decisions.

I’ll remind you.

Fauci (in your imagination) was appeasing Trump in the fear he might be sacked. This was and is nonsense.

Except it’s what’s actually happening and you refuse to see it.

What’s hilarious is that you decided to take the position you took purely because I said otherwise.

It’s great to have have the power to annoy people into taking stupid positions which clash with reality.

Fauci would have no problem whatsoever telling Trump to get fucked.

I doubt he has any fear of being sacked at 79 years of age but pretty clear he is doing his best to coax Trump along the right path.

Ah lovely, the lad who addresses his all his posts at me but is too scared to actually reply directly steams in to help out a fool in distress.

The rage is rising in him.

Your position being that after serving under six presidents the 79 yr old expert in his field is worried about getting fired?
That makes literally no sense, but you’ll carry on now ad infinitum.

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