Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

You must have been, at least you got out

Agra followed by Varanasi for me. I wasn’t in Hyderabad though.

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1.3 billion of a population is mind boggling, China and Indias .3 is nearly the same as the total U.S population, mental.

Sure the would you deal with the cunts? You’d have to use the Ash plant :herb:


Someone pick @balbec up off the floor

700 dead in Britain in one day. By my back of a fag box reckoning their death run rate vs population is x 3 times Irelands. Thats mental.

Missus was taking to friend of hers there who is a nurse in London and she had 4 deaths on ward last night. For context my my missus did 10 years in Cork hospitals and had 3 (incl 4 years in A and E)

I stayed in a Marriott hotel I had chicken noodles every night🤣

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Their deaths per million are worse than ours and getting worse but we could easily get to that one day number I’d say. That’d be 54 deaths in a day here which doesn’t sound that outlandish at our worst point, if we were to suppose we are behind them on a curve.

Are they now counting nursing home numbers though?

Sweden now predicting 1000s of deaths and government is looking to put in place near lockdown restrictions.

Those damned Social Democrats that everyone was saying we should emulate.

Their top epidemiologist is still saying they have flattened the curve by keeping the vulnerable at home and letting everyone else get it. Considering how contagious it is they must have massive numbers infected by now, it’s 3 weeks since most of Europe went into lockdown. Their death toll so far is about the same as Ireland per million inhabitants, and way below the UK, so it’ll be interesting to see how this herd immunity experiment plays out longer term.

…what has that got to do with any of the countries I mentioned?

Nothing, it’s just the old tired dog joke.

Unfortunately the numbers can go up again. Singapore is experiencing a second wave because a couple of angmohs came back from their home country and disregarded the stay at home order.

Are angmohs crackers?


I thought Singapore’s success to date was more to do with tracking and isolating cases? Are the schools and businesses still open? The numbers are impressive, but you have to wonder would they work in a western country, as in could you implement them.

Schools and businesses closing this Tuesday/Wednesday due to the recent cases.


For how long?

Why would we be behind them though I suppose was my point? Id have thought we should be at pretty much same stage