Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Dick Dooley will have a delivery service set up by tomorrow afternoon, be grand.

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I’m being mobilised now. Ex special forces.

that’s fine for 95% of us.

I’ll be out patrolling anyway. I’ve the FCA uniform hanging up here and boots polished.


we will all have JBM, Kevin Moran mid 1970s mops of hair soon enough

Shaving a mullet on

I was watching a rerun of the England v New Zealand, Rugby World Cup semi final. What have I missed?

You’d nearly be envious of the slapheads at a time like this

I hope I’m within 2km of fine wines for a reload tomorrow cc @ciarancareyshurlingarmy

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2km is mad, sure half the country is 2km from a shop

Return of the mullet


City living :fist: I presume you are allowed travel more than 2k if you want to go to a shop


Some leadership. Decisive. Early. Brave.


You are.

I really don’t think Victor Hugo is the best person to be quoting. Victor was a devotee of fighting with flair and gay abandon, but little method, against a more scientifically-driven opponent.


Our lack of ICU beds will be the killer. They are doing their best be we can’t out run the shit show that is our health service


Seems the country is shutting down for good.


Don’t you trust yourself to comply?

And they trying to close it down not so long ago