Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Let’s hold off lambasting them until happier times.

Is that a guess or real figures?


Cluster again? There are going to be big repercussions in relation to the number of nursing homes infected. Those people don’t stand a chance against this.

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Quite a depressing jump again.

67 in ICU.

Those are the real figures today.

Another jump of 17.

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New infection number is okay but as I said the death number & icu one is bad.

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It was 71 earlier today. Hard to understand the movement but clearly some people not passing through ICU before dying.

Nursing Homes :frowning_face:

And I watched it :joy:

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May they rest in peace


Nursing homes and cruiseliners will never recover from this

Everything will recover eventually. The fear will go away

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The nursing home scene is horrible. Can you ask staff to live on site & stay clear of their families? Is it ok to tell families you can’t visit but staff can come & go and bring in the virus.

It’s going to be some fall out.

In fairness its 6 months travelling the world. Which is something an awful lot of irish people under 40 have done. It wouldn’t AUTOMATICALLY make you an evil entitled spoiled disgusting cunt.

Anyone travelling the world right now would want their heads examined

Are these the type of people who complain that they can’t afford to rent or buy accommodation?


Don’t think there were too many warning them about a once in a lifetime pandemic shutting the whole world down when they were heading off at Christmas.

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