Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

He is a mess

Gatwick is the best of the three bigger airports by far. Hard to beat city for convenience though. The Gatwick express is a great yoke


Aha, someone in the Practical Department put a major spanner in the PowerPoint Department’s plans there.

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So someone procured 4k standalone devices with no upgrade plan.

Someone is about to get the pink paper

I’m posting this here as well, in case people don’t check the UK/US thread for obvious reasons.

The FDA, faced with the choice of continuing to see people die, or actually try to treat them, have approved the widespread use of hydroxychloroquine and quinine for seriously ill COVID-19 patients.
Millions of doses are being distributed across the US, and doctors are already prescribing it for thousands of patients, and taking it themselves. Several clinical trials are underway involving thousands of patients.

But sure what would those dumb fucks at the FDA know, when we have a medical expert at TFK they should be listening to.


Great news


Hope this works :+1:


There are very sound reasons why it could work for some patients. One of the unknowns with this disease is why are most healthy people not having any symptoms, or very mild symptoms, but some are getting extremely ill and some of those dying. The working theory is that some people have overactive immune systems (think auto-immune diseases), so when a new virus enters the body, their immune systems goes berserk trying to kill it off. This is a called a cytokine storm, and it can lead to severe respiratory illness. It’s the response to the virus that’s making some people so sick, not the virus itself.

Hydroxychloroquine has been prescribed for decades for auto-immunes disease like Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus, it’s not fully understood how it works but it somehow interferes with the immune system and stops it being so aggressive. Whether it has anti-viral properties is lesser known, but the concept that it slows down an immune response is well established.


Interesting but it kills more women than men ( not sure of age breakdown) and women suffer more from autoimmune diseases

It does seem like we are on verge of some treatment breakthrough. Trials starting in Dublin for critically ill patients.

Edit kills more men than women

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It’s killing 2:1 more men than women.

Sorry meant to say kills more men than women

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Apparently part time workers are getting the full €350 pandemic payment. For example a student working a part time job at the weekend who’d normally make between 150 and 200 euro…


The Shinners want to give everyone 750 quid a week.

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I know of a few acquaintances of my eldest getting €50 lids for one night a week in a bar that got the €350 also.

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Ya the sister is part time working Saturdays and she’s hoping work will let her go because that’s about €270 more than she normally gets :joy:

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I didn’t claim my 350 euro but now I’m regretting doing so and not giving it to a charity.

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It’ll be some craic when things are back to normal.