Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The scientists doing the models are not involved in economic decisions. It’s like saying the lads who developed the atom bomb decided to drop it. Scientists provide the best data they can, flawed as it may be, and politicians get to make decisions.

I’ll remind you.

Fauci (in your imagination) was appeasing Trump in the fear he might be sacked. This was and is nonsense.

Except it’s what’s actually happening and you refuse to see it.

What’s hilarious is that you decided to take the position you took purely because I said otherwise.

It’s great to have have the power to annoy people into taking stupid positions which clash with reality.

Fauci would have no problem whatsoever telling Trump to get fucked.

I doubt he has any fear of being sacked at 79 years of age but pretty clear he is doing his best to coax Trump along the right path.

Ah lovely, the lad who addresses his all his posts at me but is too scared to actually reply directly steams in to help out a fool in distress.

The rage is rising in him.

Your position being that after serving under six presidents the 79 yr old expert in his field is worried about getting fired?
That makes literally no sense, but you’ll carry on now ad infinitum.

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Well Google already monitor everything you do (CC @TreatyStones) but at least this is giving consent and potentially saves lives. Most people there, where my friends are at least, are doing it and keeping it right. Probably not much use complaining about it there anyway

He doesn’t suffer from ego anyway, but I would assume he knows he’s in the best place to have an effect

Your reference to him serving under six presidents makes no sense. The other five weren’t utter morons who fired their staff like @Tank’s mad Italian housemate fires plates at him.

Fauci fears being fired because he takes public health seriously and takes his duty as a public servant seriously and knows if he’s not there, whichever lackey replaces him will let the whole ship burn.

Appeasing Trump is a small price to pay for a better chance to save as many people as possible. But with Trump in charge, it may all be in vain anyway.

Stanford Professor with a similar hypothesis as the Oxford study. Nothing we haven’t heard but interesting enough to hear directly from someone like that.

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You obviously wouldn’t know this, but that level of experience would give a lot of certainty to how he deals with things. He has been consistent in what he says all through, Trump got grief from the media when he tried to sideline him, and had him back front and centre straight away. Unless of course you can show where he changed message to appease Trump?

It’s a grand theory go have in the classroom, but not so much in the real world.

Not really. The % infected will inform the next steps of this policy.

Occam’s razor needs to come into play here. In the absence of data, we need to use the data we have, theoretic models aren’t worth a piss, in my humble opinion.

As in we are roughly on the right track and keep at it?

We are on one track, and can’t change. More or less. What’s done is done now. Hopefully we’ve given the health services enough of a fighting chance

He has consistently shied away from criticising or contradicting Trump if at all possible even though his body language explicitly shows he knows Trump is a moron. That’s what he has to do to prevent himself being sacked. He didn’t have that problem with other presidents because they were not total morons who believed they were experts and claimed global pandemics were hoaxes to discredit them or said that viruses would go away like a miracle or sacked their pandemic response team. They were (generally at least) people who listened to experts on these matters.

Fauci himself knows if he gets sacked the US is well and truly screwed.

You will obviously say otherwise because you’ve decided to hitch your wagon to the opposite train, just because me, but shure fire away and have the last word anyway, you’re obviously desperate for a “win”.

The other issue going on is some people just assume Fauci is correct, and is giving specific and correct advice to Trump and the task team. In an environment where this is a new disease and the data changes daily. If you listen to the above professor, who is also a leading expert, he admits that none of them know the answer to the all important question of the mortality rate of this disease. Stating this has a mortality rate of 10x the flu as Fauci did is just a guess. Because we have no fucking idea how many have been infected. Now Fauci admits this as well on the podium, but in a more subtle way.