Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Ban women
The Priests to provide the security

Some good ideas here. Be careful about 2pm though as that will intrude on Holy Hour.


UW have emerged as the best modelers on the planet, updating data for individual countries and all US states daily. The median death count for the US has now dropped to 81K and is dropping daily.

Keep imagining

Well if you believe thereā€™ll be social distancing in pubs then something will give. I remember touring Kerry in 2018 in the Of June with a friends from the north and @TreatyStones neighbour. It was extremely hot maybe touching 30 degrees and we stopped into Paudie o sheas after doing the cliff drive. There was a fella sitting in the corner by the pool table speaking Irish wearing wellies and an old suit covered in shit. It was no later than 3pm. He was drinking a pint and a brandy straight with no ice every 20 minutes or so. It was very impressive in its own way given the heat. Iā€™ve been thinking about that fella a bit the past few weeks. Iā€™d say heā€™s in awful way for a pint altogether. I can only imagine the Sort of reaction youā€™d get if you asked that Caliber of porter mechanic to wait outside for another fella to finish off his drink.

Pubs will have reserved times for over 65s, and reserved times for whatever other demograpic groups require it, same as Tescos does now. The rest will be happy to take their chances and equally happy to be paying over 12euro for a couple of pints for the privilage

now that this is over and we won, id like someone to do up a TFK Corona Virus winners (me @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy @anon7035031 @Tim_Riggins @TreatyStones etc) & losers (@padjo @Thomas_Brady @TheBlackSpot @TheUlteriorMotive etc)


Who the fuck puts ice in their brandy?

Well I wouldnā€™t know too much about brandy being honest but it was so warm that day Iā€™d have put ice in anything.

They must love you down in Kerry, Iā€™d say you get charged yank prices

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Could you maybe elaborate a little bit please? Maybe outline the respective positions here.

you were overly agressive and let things get on top of you, we needed jovial or sincere posts mate not anger and tension


@TheBlackSpots aggresive tone throughout this period has ruined the whole virus for me

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I called this as over a week ago. Iā€™m on the back straight wearing a garland while you huff and puff over the line

Ok, thanks for that, pal. I canā€™t remember being aggressive but Iā€™ll take your word for it. Iā€™m not really one for arguing.

good to see you get back to your placid self now this whole thing is over

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A little early to declare victory, but I think we can say we are safely through to the next round. Thereā€™s a few on here that should get the rebranding over with now.

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Heā€™s still on the BCG ship and canā€™t answer the anomaly that is Germany. He has zero credibility around here.

Are you on or off the BCG express?
The Germans are experts at managing the numbers.

well @Thomas_Brady - are you?