Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

It is - they are 2 months behind FG - very sad.

I hope everyone has a great day lads :pray:

Maybe she should have followed this advice as per the automatic reply


Iā€™ll be doing my ten minute meditation at 1pm.

The chipper?

Is she a single woman or does she prefer to batter a sausage?

We could half he number of TDS if we had properly resources citizen information Centres

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The current government are trying to deal with cumulative years of mismanaged and over burdened services on top of a national emergency.

This is generations in the making.

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As an activist she probably sends thousands of emails a day. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s seeing now that a large number have bounce back so sheā€™s following up ā€¦ Typical ā€¦ you have a young woman trying to do good and your first thought is to slaughter her instead of the flawed system we currently have ā€¦ very telling indeed.

If i have the right lady, yeah the chipper.
I donā€™t know her marital status.

I sense a battered sausage joke in the offing

She had a very surly demeanor behind the counter.


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The 8th of April would be a fine day for a British PM to croak it.

What are you planning :flushed:


SF IRA shameless spin

Its still unprofessional. In most well run organisations when a person leaves or an email is changed there is a facility created by IT to forward on the email or you will get an automatic reply. SImples.

Sweep, sweep

SF IRA need to step back here. This is not the student union.

Thicc thighs save lives

This thread is fairly mental. I watched a video the other day by a doctor in New York (the video is contained in the thread) which basically said that medics are treating the wrong illness here - theyā€™re treating for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) when they should be treating for HAPE (High Altiditude Pulmonary (o)Edema) aka Altidude Sickness, and that ventilators are actually killing people off rather than saving them.

As Iā€™m not an expert I canā€™t say whether this is true, but if it does turn out to be true the medical profession could be in a HAPE of trouble.

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