Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Leo had to go to US. Weā€™ve 240k employed in multi nationals hereā€¦think approx. 70% of that is American multinationalsā€¦ Trump even dropped a comment about this the other day re ventilators for America coming from a MNC here and how they need to come back to america ā€¦ Leo needs to go there, paddys celebration is an excuse, Its all politicsā€¦ Lose those jobs on top of what that we are already losing and it really is game over


FG are using the ā€˜magic money treeā€™ now to try and solve or alleviate this crisis. Sfs plan was to use this to make peopleā€™s lives better when things were already OK though

Are people heading back to their home places within Cambodia? Iā€™d imagine people want to get the fuck out of cities.

May not be an altogether brilliant thing, a large displacement of people, right now

Yeah but theyā€™re from far right racist nutcases like you so nobody will notice.

Meanwhile you continue to fellate the worst president in American history.

You have zero credibility.

Heā€™ll keep it trapped in the corner.


So is that saying huge UK wonā€™t even start to be on the scale for another two weeks basically? As in, it hasnā€™t even started yet?

Whatā€™s this?
(TFK is by far the best news source out there)

That is an entirely realistic outcome.
Theyā€™re talking about 250,000 dead in the UK at a minimum. If the US does much better than that per capita, they might end up with say 500,000 dead. Italy, Spain and France will all soon be losing over 1,000 each per day and that could go on for months. Then add in that there could be millions dead in China already. Plus god knows what will happen in Africa.
At least a million dead is probably to be expected at this stage.


Thatā€™s the UK.

Thatā€™s the same college that initially advised the herd immunity strategy.


One of the Chinese cell phone companies showed a drop in subscribers of about 8 million people in January.
The internet has therefore jumped to the only logical conclusion that they are all DEAD and their deaths have been covered up by CHI-NA.
The idea that cell phone subscribers may cancel their policies because they were out of work due to the shutdown or other far more plausible explanations have been readily dismissed.
They are dead


Gone where their mobile phones canā€™t follow

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Yes, first of all, those cunts should all be sacked, they made one of the costliest mistakes in history.
Secondly, part of our re-opening requirements would be that weā€™d have to ban travel from the UK until they fix themselves. Leo would have to grow some balls for that.

The Burren?


Excellent summary covering the last week and a half of what happened in Downing St and the various behind the scenes emergency meetings and u-turns

I was listening to a podcast in the car through my phone the other day, they were talking about how important it was to roll out 5G coverage to keep pace with the rest of the World, he hardly said it when the podcast stopped playing because I lost 3G signal. I thought it quite humorous at the time

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Switzerland seems particularly badly hit. Proximity to Northern Italy presumably isnā€™t helping. This is from five days ago.